
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Flower of the month: Aster

Asters come in a great variety of colors including red, white, orange and various shades of pink and purple, these are usually used in flower arrangements due to the fact that they come in so many colors. Asters are also known to attract many butterflies so if you love butterflies make sure to add these beauties to your ever growing garden.

How to take care of/grow
  • Make sure to plant your Asters in a full to partial well lit area. 
  • The soil needs to be moist but well drained. Asters need a lot of water during the Summer. If you see some flowers falling change up your watering method because that's a sign of stress. 
  • Add a thin layer of mulch around the plants every Spring. 
  • Make sure to stake your tall plants to encourage growth. 
  • Cut flowers back in during Winter after the foliage has died. 

I hope this helps with all your Aster needs! 

Monday, August 31, 2015

Flower of the Month: Gladiolus

It's that lovely time of the month again, time for another Flower of the Month post! Gladioli are amazing flowers and are primarily used for arrangements. They usually come in a lot of different colors and grow between 2 to 6 feet.

How to take care of/grow

  • Plant your Gladioli in light soil and cover your soil with mulch. The mulch with provide moisture and keep weeds from growing. 
  • Gladioli require a lot of sun so make sure to plant in a bright area and to water them regularly. 
  • Remove the dead flowers and faded flowers for continuous growth. 

I hope this post help with all your Gladioli needs. 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

All you need to know about Sansevierias.

Snake plants, mother-in-laws tongue and snakes tongue are some common names for the famous Sansevieria. If you have one then you know that caring for one can be quite easy but make a simple mistake and your plant will die from root rot and stink up your house. Here are some easy guidelines on how to make your Sansevieria grow beautifully. 

How to take care of your Sansevieria 

  • When you plant your Sansevieria make sure you use a potting medium not garden soil so that way it can retain water better. When your Sansevieria's roots start to show at the bottom of the pot remove it and put it in a bigger container so it can grow. 
  • Make sure you place your Sansevieria in a well lit room (by the window preferably)
  • Sansevieria's don't like direct sunlight because it will start wilting. 
  • Sansevieria's don't like too much water so only water when the soil is completely dry and water it only along the edges. 

 I hope this post helps with all your Sansevieria needs! 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Flower of the month: Larkspur

Larkspur, also commonly mistaken for Delphinium, is an annul Medetterian plant that's from the buttercup family. Larkspur produces lovely spikes of blue, purple, pink, or white flowers in spring and summer.  

How to grow/take care of your Larkspur

  • When planting larkspur seeds, they must have a cold period before germination. Chilling them in the refrigerator works best make sure you chill them for at least 2 weeks. 
  • Plant them in moist soil and chill them there for two weeks. Keep in mind that larkspur seeds often will not germinate at temps above 65 Fahrenheit. 
  • Larkspur do not like to be moved, so plant seeds into their permanent location. 
  • Staking the tall plants is another aspect of larkspur flower care. So make sure you stake them with a wooden stake that can accommodate the potential 6 to 8 foot growth.
  • Make sure you water them especially during times of drought. 
  • You can add fertilizer to larkspur to help growth usually every other month. 

I hope this post helps with all your larkspur needs! 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Flowers of the month: Roses

Ah june, the month of roses. Roses in june are definitely much sweeter then any other month because the sun is shining and it's almost summer. Wedding season is also upon us and of course roses play a huge part in weddings. These flowers are not only know for their lovely fragrance but also the elegancy and sophistication when used in a bouquet or arrangement. They come in many different colors and even some have an ombre effect just make sure you watch out for their thorns! 


  • Diligently water your roses. Soak the entire root zone at least twice a week in dry summer weather. Roses need a lot of water but make sure you don't drown them! 
  • Use mulch. To help conserve water,  apply a 2- to 4-inch layer of chopped and shredded leaves, or shredded bark around the base of your roses leave a little bit of space between your mulch and the base of the roses. 
  • Make sure you use fertilizer once a month between the months of April-July to ensure feeding and healthy growth. 
I hope you enjoyed this months flower of the month post! 

If you enjoy the fragrance of a rose, you must accept the thorns which it bears. - Issac Hayes 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Flower of the month: Lilies

Lilies are not only know for their beauty but also are magnificent flowers that command attention wherever they are planted. Lilies are valued for their very showy, often fragrant flowers. The 6 plain or strikingly marked petals are often trumpet-shaped, sitting atop tall, stems. 


  • When growing Lilies make sure you plant them in the Autumn, they need some dormant time before they can fully start growing. 
  • For active growing make sure your Lilies are getting at least 7-8 hours of sunshine. 
  • If water is trapped beneath the scale then it will rot the bulb, so make sure you have a well-drained site. 
  • Give your Lilies plenty of water. 
  • Make sure you use liquid fertilizer twice a week for tall stems. 
  • When you have tall stems make sure you stake them.

I hope you enjoyed this months flower of the month post! may your Lilies grow beautifully! 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Flowers of the Month: Daisy

Daisies are known for their beautiful coloring and simplcity and also the representation of innocence and purity. Daises are part of the biggest families  of plants in the world which is why they make up 10% of all flowers and grow everywhere on the Earth besides Antratica. 

How to take care of Daisies 

Water daisy plants during dry spells as they send up flower buds as well as during their entire blooming time. If flower stems dry out and droop, they might not fully recover. Also, trim off blooms as they fade. Deadheading encourages more flowering, It also minimizes mildew that often grows on dead plant parts.Water at the base of the plant to avoid mold and sun damage to tender petals. 

Daisies wallpaper

I hope you enjoyed this Daisy themed post, may it help with all your Daisy needs. 

Monday, March 30, 2015

How to take care of your Bromeliads

Bromeliads (also known as Bromeliaceae) are plants that have adapted to a number of climates. Foliage takes different shapes, from needle-thin to broad and flat, symmetrical to irregular, spiky to soft. They also come in a variety of colors and patterns. Pineapples are actually considered part of the bromeliad family due to it being part of a bromeliad. They are beautiful and easy to take care of here's a quick little how to guide on how to care for your bromeliads. 

  1. Watering - Bromeliads are adapted to withstand drought, but they less tolerant of being over-watered which can cause root rot. Make sure you water it again when the soil is dry. Many bromeliads also have a tank. This is the part of the plant where the leaves meet together and form what looks like a cup. Bromeliads can also take water through their central tank. 
  2. Lighting - Bromeliads thrive in bright, sunny spaces. However, exposure to direct sunlight for an extended period of time can cause damage to the leaves. Make sure you put it in a nice well-light place where it doesn't get a lot of sun exposure. 
  3. Fertilizing - Bromeliads require little fertilizing. Occasionally you will want to use a water soluble fertilizer. Never place fertilizer in a bromeliads central tank (this will kill them). Instead, fertilize around the bromeliad’s base.

I hope this post helps with all your bromeliad needs! 

Monday, March 9, 2015

All you need to know about Succulents

Succulents come in a variety of shapes and colors which makes it so fun to play with.  Over the years succulents have become a more promiment in floristry and plant arrangements they are very easy to take care of and very enjoyable to collect. Here's a little how to guide on how to take care of your succulents. 

  1.  Give succulents as much sun as possible. Succulents are desert plants. They thrive in hot places with plenty of sunshine. 
  2. During the warmer months in their growing phase succulents should be watered once a week but rather than pour a cup of water now and then into the pot. Wait until the dirt is completely dry and then soak the plant in water.
  3. During the summer growing season, fertilize as you would with other houseplants. Stop fertilizing entirely during the winter.

We hope this guide helps! 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Flowers of the Month: Daffodil

Daffodils are a genus of predominantly spring perennial plants in the amaryllis family. Daffodils are a conspicuous flowers with six petal-like sepals surmounted by a cup- or trumpet-shaped corona. The flowers are generally white or yellow (orange or pink in garden varieties), with either uniform or contrasting colored sepals and corona. 

How to take care of Daffodils 

Since Daffodils are bloom mainly in the Spring they do need sun exposure. So make sure that you're planting them were they will get plenty of sun. Also be sure to use fertilizer when planting your Daffodils, Daffodils will tolerate some crowding but prefer to be spaced 3 to 6 inches apart. After they bloom in the spring, allow the plants to grow until they die off. They need time after bloom to store energy in the bulbs for next year. To remove the dead plants, either snip them off at the base, or twist the leaves while pulling lightly. When cut, daffodils should be kept alone in a vase, as their stems secrete a fluid that promotes the wilting of other flowers. If you must combine them, soak them by themselves for as long as possible, then rinse them and add them to the arrangement last.

I hope this post was insightful to all your Daffodil needs, Happy March! and may you're Daffodils bloom beautifully. 

That come before the swallow dares, and take
The winds of March with beauty.
–William Shakespere, The Winter's Tale

Monday, February 23, 2015

How to take care of orchids

Orchids are not only the most beautiful, fragrant flower but also the worlds largest plant family. There are over 30,000 hybrids of orchids and there are more added every year. Many people think that Orchids are only tropical flowers but that's not true, Orchids grow every where. Here are some simple Orchid care tips so you can care for yours properly at your home. 

  1. It's always best to know what kind of Orchid you get because it depends on the pseudobulb how much water you should. Orchids with pseudobulbs should be grown on a wet-to-dry cycle whereas orchids without pseudobulbs should be kept evenly moist. I definitely recommend watering with a spray bottle to get the right amount.
  2. Fertilizing your Orchid is always a must. Be sure to use an orchid food that is formulated for orchids and follow the instructions on the label. I fertilize my Orchid every 2-3 months, it keeps it healthy and growing. 
  3. How do you know if your Orchid is getting enough light? it's simple look at the leaves. Generally speaking, the leaves should be bright green rather than dark green. Dark green indicates too little light while reddish green indicated too much light.  Recommended placement for an Orchid is near a window is so it gets indirect light. 
  4. What are those black splotches on those Orchids leaves? it looks like your Orchid has a bit of sunburn. Not to worry though it's not that serious. You just need to move your plant back from the window or put up sheer curtains to help protect it from direct sunlight. As the light intensity decreases in the fall, move your plant closer to the window again. 
I hope this post helps with all your Orchids questions!