
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Flower of the month: Lilies

Lilies are not only know for their beauty but also are magnificent flowers that command attention wherever they are planted. Lilies are valued for their very showy, often fragrant flowers. The 6 plain or strikingly marked petals are often trumpet-shaped, sitting atop tall, stems. 


  • When growing Lilies make sure you plant them in the Autumn, they need some dormant time before they can fully start growing. 
  • For active growing make sure your Lilies are getting at least 7-8 hours of sunshine. 
  • If water is trapped beneath the scale then it will rot the bulb, so make sure you have a well-drained site. 
  • Give your Lilies plenty of water. 
  • Make sure you use liquid fertilizer twice a week for tall stems. 
  • When you have tall stems make sure you stake them.

I hope you enjoyed this months flower of the month post! may your Lilies grow beautifully!